Gematria is a secret Kabbalistic system of calculation; you need to log in to access the calculator.

Types of Gematria

Standard Gematria

The Standard Gematria, also known as Mispar Hechrechi, is the most common method of calculating the numerical value of Hebrew letters. In this system, each letter has a fixed value: Aleph (א) is 1, Bet (ב) is 2, and so on, up to Tav (ת) which is 400. This straightforward system is often used for basic numerical representations of words and phrases in Hebrew texts.

Atbash Gematria

Atbash is a substitution cipher that replaces each letter of the Hebrew alphabet with its opposite: Aleph (א) becomes Tav (ת), Bet (ב) becomes Shin (ש), and so on. The numerical value is then calculated based on these substituted letters. This method is often used for interpreting hidden or mystical meanings in words and texts.

Albam Gematria

Albam is another substitution method where the Hebrew alphabet is split into two halves. The first letter (Aleph, א) is replaced with the 12th letter (Lamed, ל), the second letter (Bet, ב) with the 13th (Mem, מ), and so forth. This system reveals different numerical values and is used to uncover alternative meanings in words.

Mispar Koton

Mispar Koton, or “small number” Gematria, reduces the value of each letter to a single digit. For example, the value of Yod (י) which is 10 in Standard Gematria, becomes 1. This system simplifies the numerical values and is used for more condensed interpretations.

Mispar Siduri

Mispar Siduri, or ordinal Gematria, assigns a value to each letter based on its position in the alphabet. Aleph (א) is 1, Bet (ב) is 2, and so on, up to Tav (ת) which is 22. This method emphasizes the order of the letters rather than their standard numerical values.

Mispar Shemi

Mispar Shemi, or “name number” Gematria, calculates the value of the full spelling of each Hebrew letter. For example, Aleph (א) is spelled Aleph-Lamed-Peh (אלף), and the values of these letters are summed. This method provides a deeper numerical representation by considering the full names of the letters.

Gross Gematria

Gross Gematria is a less common method that often involves larger numerical values and more complex calculations. It is named after its intricate and comprehensive approach to interpreting the numerical values of Hebrew letters and words.

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